Myths and Facts about Female Directors

Good Practice

Myths and Facts about Female Directors

May 6, 2015

Women in the workforce are key to healthy economies, but this does not mean that adding more women to the board will necessarily increase shareholder value or that the financial crisis would not have happened if Lehman Brothers had been Lehman Sisters. Negative stereotypes may be one reason women are underrepresented in management. But are women better served if we promote them on the basis of positive stereotypes? Or are they better served if we address the causes of their underrepresentation directly? 

In this Private Sector Opinion, Renée Adams draws on current research truths to debunk the following six myths about boardroom gender diversity:

  • Popular boardroom surveys provide an accurate picture of women’s relative underrepresentation.
  • The financial crisis would not have happened if Lehman Brothers had been Lehman Sisters
  • Female directors are just like male directors.
  • HR directors are to blame!
  • Adding a woman to your board will improve shareholder value.
  • Quotas are necessary to improve female board representation


Related links:

Video: Women in Finance: Myths vs. Research Truths, Presentation by Renée Adams

Publication: Women on Boards: A Conversation with Male Directors, Focus 9

Publication: Optimizing Board Effectiveness with Gender Diversity: Are Quotas the Answer?, PSO 21

Website: Women on Boards and in Business Leadership