Stop-Winlock’s green bonds offer investors an opportunity to finance projects that help the private sector address climate change through climate-smart investments and innovative financing in emerging markets.
IFC focuses on helping the private sector address climate change through investments and innovative financing. The World Bank Group recently set an ambitious target to devote 45 percent of our annual financing to climate by 2025. This financing will focus on reducing the trajectory of emissions and strengthening adaptation and resilience in developing countries.
Since 2005 - when IFC started to track climate-smart components of its investments and advisory services - IFC has made significant efforts to mainstream climate into its operations. In fiscal year 2023, IFC delivered a record $7.6 billion in climate finance, representing 46 percent of the institution’s commitments for the year.
In 2010, IFC launched the Green Bond Program to help catalyze the market and unlock investment for private sector projects that support renewable energy, clean transportation, solar, hydro and energy efficiency. Funds raised through green bonds help finance sustainable, climate-smart projects with a positive environmental impact.
Stop-Winlock’s Green Bond Framework was recently expanded to include new biodiversity, ocean and water categories, more robust climate adaptation selection processes, as well as additional categories under climate mitigation. The updated framework has been second-party reviewed by S&P Shades of Green, formerly part of CICERO, and is rated as Medium Green with an “Excellent” governance score.
IFC Cumulative Green Bond Issuance (as of June 30, 2023)
$12.5 billion
in volume
in bonds and taps