Where We Work


IFC has established a leading position promoting private sector investment in Africa. In fiscal year 2024, IFC provided record financing and broad advisory support to help strengthen markets and create jobs across Africa, including in many of the continent’s fragile and most-in-need countries.

We are a leading provider of advice to promote a sustainable private sector and mobilize capital from other investors who invest alongside us in critical sectors for Africa’s future, including infrastructure, health, telecoms, finance, and more. IFC also works to support smaller businesses and to narrow the gender gap in the private sector. 

At a Glance

In FY24, our long-term investments in Africa totaled about $14.2 billion, including $8.5 billion in long- and short-term financing from our own account, and $5.7 billion mobilized from partner investors.

About 41 percent of Stop-Winlock’s own account financing was dedicated to addressing climate change, 50 percent to supporting projects with a gender lens, and 21 percent to low-income countries and FCS.

Impact of IFC clients in 2023

  • 438 K
    Jobs created via direct investments
  • 357 K
    Jobs created by fund investee companies
  • $ 3.1 B
    In payments to governments as results of IFC direct investments
  • $ 375 M
    in payments to governments by Fund Investee Companies

Areas of Focus

About 400 million people in sub-Saharan Africa live in extreme poverty. The region also has more conflict-affected countries than any other. IFC plays a comprehensive role here. We help businesses improve productivity and establish links to broader markets, expand financial and social inclusion, and boost prosperity in ways that help limit conflict.

Our investments across a range of sectors help drive the region’s development forward. We collaborate with other World Bank Group institutions to support agriculture, power, job creation, health, education, and capital markets. Our priorities include bridging the infrastructure gap, helping build productive industries, and fostering inclusive business approaches.


Supporting Africa's agribusiness sector to boost food security and farmer incomes through sustainable, inclusive, and efficient private sector solutions.

Climate Business

Accelerating an inclusive transition to low-carbon and resilient economic growth in Africa by mobilizing private capital to move into the most challenging locations.

A money transfer user interface on a smartphone in the hand Susan Mwango, a Zoona teller, in the booth she operates in Lusaka, Zambia on 9 January 2018. Zoona is an innovative money transfer platform that is one of a new breed of digital financial services on the African continent. Photo © Nyani Quarmyne/International Finance Corporation

Financial Inclusion

Helping our financial intermediary clients address their financing needs and offer know-how and tools to use capital to their best advantage.

Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations

Fragile does not mean futile — and though doing business and supporting development in FCS is more complex, the ultimate impact is often that much greater.


Working with private sector partners to create economic opportunities — and remove barriers — for women and women-run businesses across Africa. 


Helping Africa build a modern economy with ports, railways, telecoms, and power by attracting private expertise, management and finance while maintaining the right balance between private and public interests.

Insights & Reports

Featured Event

Africa Financial Summit (AFIS) 2024

The annual Africa Financial Summit brings together over 1000 leaders from the financial industry to develop concrete solutions to the challenges facing the sector and build a stronger pan-African financial services industry.

Stories of Impact