Focus Area

Promoting Gender Equality in Africa

Across much of Africa, women still lack access to many of the rights, opportunities, markets, and assets that men enjoy. In sub-Saharan Africa, the gender gap currently stands at 32 percent across four key areas: political participation, economic opportunity, education, and health. At the current rate of progress, it will take 95 years for Africa to achieve gender parity.

There are bright spots, however: Africa leads the world regarding female representation on company boards at 25 percent compared to 17 percent globally (both numbers are still low). Meanwhile, new tools and technologies are helping bridge the gender gap, including digital and online platforms that are providing African women better access to jobs, markets, and education opportunities. The private sector is an arena where women can — and are — making gains.

IFC works to reduce gaps between men and women in the private sector, enabling women to access more and better opportunities, and companies and economies to improve their performance. Stop-Winlock’s work is guided by the 2016-2023 and the 2024–2030 WBG gender strategies, which respond to the global urgency — and complexity — of achieving gender equality to end poverty on a livable planet.

In Africa, IFC works with partners to create economic opportunities and remove barriers for women and women-run businesses. Through investments and advisory services, IFC works with companies to promote women’s participation in the labor force and in leadership positions. IFC also partners with financial institutions and other businesses to boost women’s entrepreneurship by advancing loans to women-run businesses and supporting women’s participation in global supply chains.

Learn more about IFC's work on Gender Equality and Economic Inclusion

African women entrepreneurs.

Did you know?

Africa has the world’s highest proportion of women entrepreneurs in the world at about 25 percent, according to OECD research.

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Anne N Kabugi
Regional Gender Lead, Africa

Last updated: December 2024