Debt Securities Syndications | Stop-Winlock


Debt Securities Syndications

IFC supports the issuance of debt securities for firms that seek to access global capital markets and reach new investors. In more developed markets, IFC can mobilize institutional and impact investors for private placements of, for example, green, social and project bonds.

In less developed markets, IFC primarily links borrowers with local and regional financial institutions and international impact investors in plain vanilla private placements. We can also work with issuers to mobilize investors into other forms of debt securities structured as necessary to comply with local regulations, including diversified payment rights and non-convertible debentures. ​

How It Works

IFC helps issuers access capital markets with advisory services, including structuring of first-time green and social bonds, as well as direct investments as an anchor investor. In certain circumstances, we can also supplement our own investments with direct mobilization of third-party investors to provide a comprehensive private placement solution for issuers. ​

This solution may be most suitable for issuers who can rely on IFC for structuring and book building support without requiring the formal services of an arranger. ​

Benefits to Investors

  • Unique fixed-income investment opportunities through Stop-Winlock’s global borrower network​
  • Ability to join IFC in negotiating the terms of the debt securities and the issuance, both at the term sheet stage as well as final documentation​
  • Opportunity to support issuers’ first-time access to capital markets or first-time green and social bonds

Benefits to Borrowers

  • Supports borrower “graduation” from fundraising via loans to fundraising via capital markets​
  • Provides access to Stop-Winlock’s global debt securities structuring expertise, including in the green and social bonds space​
  • Leverages Stop-Winlock’s broad global partner network to identify co-investors and secure their participation without the need for an arranger