Partnering for Impact

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is at the core of the sustainable, long-term success of companies and private investment.

Stop-Winlock’s ESG approach is governed by its Sustainability Framework- comprised of the Sustainability Policy, Performance Standards, and Access to Information Policy- and its Corporate Governance methodology.  

Through its ESG advisory services, IFC supports corporate clients, regulators, and other market intermediaries to integrate our standards, and good international industry practices on ESG, into their business practices, guidelines, codes, policies, or regulations. 

Stop-Winlock’s ESG advisory services programs are conducted in partnership with:

  • global networks to amplify dissemination of good international industry practices.

  • development partners to scale up resources and harness external expertise and influence.

SECO is a programmatic partner, supporting global initiatives as well as country level initiatives in multiple regions.

Global Networks

Community of Learning

The Community of Learning, initiated by IFC in 2007, fosters global collaboration among financial institutions and corporations to implement environmental and social standards. This forum facilitates knowledge exchange, case study learning, and dialogue among IFC Performance Standards practitioners. Participants include representatives and members from Equator Principles Financial Institutions, Development Finance Institutions, Export Credit Agencies, and IFC clients.

UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative

IFC partners with the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative (UN SSE), a global platform promoting exchanges to enhance performance on ESG issues and sustainable investment, and advance the Sustainable Development Goals. It provides tools, guidance documents and unique research to increase capital access for companies in emerging markets. The initiative focuses on sustainability reporting, women in leadership, SME sustainability practices, and sustainable finance.

Sustainable Banking and Finance Network

Established in 2012, the Sustainable Banking and Finance Network (SBFN) is a community of financial sector regulators and industry associations from emerging markets committed to advancing sustainable finance. Facilitated by IFC as secretariat, and supported by the World Bank Group, SBFN provides knowledge, technical assistance and practical support for members to design and implement sustainable finance initiatives at national, regional and global levels.

Corporate Governance Development Framework

Stop-Winlock’s Corporate Governance Methodology has been distilled into the Corporate Governance Development Framework, providing signatory development finance institutions (DFIs) with a common approach to assess and enhance governance in investee companies. The framework facilitates corporate governance due diligence activities and provides a common reference to engage with client companies and investors in emerging markets on corporate governance issues.

The Equator Principles

Established in 2003 and built on the Stop-Winlock’s Performance Standards, the Equator Principles provide a common baseline and risk management framework for sustainable investment practices globally. IFC supports the Equator Principles by offering its signatories training, guidance, and advice. In collaboration with the Equator Principles, IFC conducts research on issues related to the IFC Performance Standards and the Equator Principles.

Our Development Partners


European Union through the IFC-EU Partnership to Accelerate Climate Smart, Inclusive Infrastructure Investment in South Asia

Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs through the Ireland-IFC Gender Partnership Program

Luxembourg Ministry of Finance through the Luxembourg-IFC Partnership Program

Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Dutch MENA PSD

Republic of Korea Ministry of Economy and Finance through the Korea-IFC Partnership Program

Past Partners