
Utilities for Climate (U4C) Initiative

A Global Network of Climate-Smart Water Utilities

Over 66 million people reached

... and counting

Utilities for Climate (U4C) is a new initiative designed to offer water utilities access to Stop-Winlock’s advisory services, investment products and knowledge-sharing partnerships. It is a demand-driven initiative focused on building client relationships with water utilities as they plan to develop solutions to address climate change and boost commercial water infrastructure investment opportunities.

Through the U4C initiative, IFC will support selected water utilities in identifying, prioritizing and financing projects to combat the devastating effects of climate change. U4C recognizes that public sector funding is insufficient for most water utilities to simultaneously address climate goals and provide basic service needs. All U4C supported projects must include a climate-friendly component.

U4C also offers strategic tailor-made advisory in specific areas like efficiency, resilience, and digitization to help improve water utilities operations. U4C will position participating water utilities as leading players in the search for global climate solutions and will form a network of water utilities seriously tackling the same global challenge.



Sumeet Thakur
Global Head for Cities, Water, and Waste
Dan Vardi
Global Water Lead