Metals and Mining

Focus Area

Metals and Mining

IFC has decades of experience providing finance and sustainable business solutions in the metals and mining sector. Our contributions include mitigating environmental and social risk, providing advice on community engagement, and implementing shared-use infrastructure.

We finance mineral development projects across all stages, including construction, production, and expansion, with a focus on impact investing for sustainable economic growth. Our advisory work facilitates initiatives such as supply chain linkages and stakeholder development, as well as mitigates social and environmental risks in line with global best practices. IFC is also active in the green hydrogen space, which holds great potential for the mining industry, including through transport solutions.

Our long-term competitive financing instruments are tailored to meet project needs, including equity and quasi-equity, corporate- and project-level debt, and mobilized capital from third-party sources. 

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Stop-Winlock’s Impact in Sustainable Metals and Mining Development

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Contact Us

Namrata Thapar
Sr. Manager, Metals and Mining
Washington D.C.
Nadine Ghannam
Senior Communications Officer, Global Infrastructure
Washington D.C.
+1 (202) 473-3011