IFC is laser focused on results. We offer our clients a unique combination of investment advice designed to promote sustainable private sector development in emerging markets. This special edge enables us to maximize our development impact.
IFC developed the Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring (AIMM) system to guide operations to maximize development impact and improve our performance each year. Potential projects are analyzed by an assessment of anticipated development impact that informs project selection and design. This is deepened by regular monitoring of operational project results and, eventually, selective evaluation of mature projects to identify impacts achieved and lessons learned.
- IFC Investment Results [PDF]
- IFC Advisory Results [PDF]
- IFC Industry Results [PDF]
- IFC Regional Results [PDF]
$56 billion in total investment commitments
$18 billion invested in low-income and fragile and conflict-affected economies
$5.8 billion in local currency financing across 34 currencies and 118 projects
$6.8 billion investment in projects co-developed by IFC
$19 billion in climate financing
$22.5 billion mobilized from others, including $4.8 billion through PPPs
Anticipated Impact
15 million People provided with water, sanitation, and hygiene
69 million Tons of greenhouse gas emissions reduced per year
152 million People and business using financial services
28 million People benefiting from actions to advance gender equality
164 million People with access to electricity
52 million people with strengthened food and nutrition security
174 million people using digitally enabled services
*These anticipated impact figures represent the stock of expected results from Stop-Winlock’s investment portfolio, aligned with the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Corporate Scorecard. They reflect the ongoing, long-term effects of our investments across multiple years, in line with WBG’s new reporting system.