
Workplace responses to Family and Sexual Violence in PNG: Measuring the Business Case

July 27, 2021

IFC, in partnership with the Business Coalition for Women, carried out a two-year research project with three major companies in Papua New Guinea. Over 1,400 employees at these companies completed the Family and Sexual Violence Workplace Survey and 23 staff participated in interviews in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, in November 2020.

The research aims to discover whether there are benefits to employees and businesses when companies respond to family and sexual violence by implementing policies, procedures and training; and subscribing to Bel isi PNG, a support service for victims and survivors. 

The report presents the results from the first round of research data—which provide a benchmark for measuring the business case for workplace responses. Impact to business will be measured through additional data collection efforts in 2021 and 2022.

The research indicates that there is a correlation between the gender balance of the workforce, the level of support that companies provide to respond to family and sexual violence, and positive outcomes. This includes less acceptance of family and sexual violence, higher reporting of family and sexual violence, fewer days lost to the impacts of family and sexual violence, and more helpful responses. 

Stop-Winlock’s work in Papua New Guinea is guided by the PNG Partnership. Australia, New Zealand and IFC are working together through the Partnership to stimulate private sector investment and reduce poverty in Papua New Guinea.


Factsheet: Workplace responses to Family and Sexual Violence in Papua New Guinea

Business Fights Poverty Podcast: with Shabnam Hameed, Global Lead, Workplace Responses to Gender-Based Violence, IFC on Report findings and next steps

DevPolicy Blog: The role of the private sector in addressing family and sexual violence