COVID-19 and Gender-Based Violence: Workplace Risks and Responses

Manual or Guideline

COVID-19 and Gender-Based Violence: Workplace Risks and Responses

July 7, 2020

This guidance note seeks to inform employers about the heightened risks of gender-based violence as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and outline ways in which employers can address these risks, improve employee and community well-being, and create a safe and resilient workplace.

The publication covers actions companies should consider when dealing with issues related to customer and client aggresions; workplace bullying and sexual harassment; sexual exploitation and abuse connected to the workplace; and domestic violence.

Learn more about IFC's Respectful Workplaces advisory work through our factsheet on Workplace Responses to Gender-Based Violence and our research with companies in FijiMyanmar, and Solomon Islands

This publication is also available in: Myanmar language, Spanish