Business Pulse Survey: Impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs in Bangladesh


Business Pulse Survey: Impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs in Bangladesh

October 19, 2020

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) are key drivers of the national economy in Bangladesh. Contributing 25 percent to the country’s GDP, MSMEs play a crucial role in income generation and resource utilization. According to the Economic Census and Enterprise Survey, both conducted in 2013, some 99 percent of all non-farm enterprises fall into the micro and small enterprises categories, providing employment to 20.3 million Bangladeshi workers.

This report summarizes the findings from the COVID-19 Business Pulse Survey conducted through a sample survey of MSMEs in Bangladesh. In keeping with the spirit of the assignment, the study aims to inform IFC and policymakers in Bangladesh about the pulse of the small businesses as they cope with the COVID crisis. Specifically, the scope of work involved a rapid survey of 500 MSMEs to collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data, capturing the impact of COVID-19 crisis on MSMEs in the country.