Companies Circle Case Studies - Part 1

Case Study

Companies Circle Case Studies - Part 1

August 22, 2013

Part 1 of the publication presents the experiences of five leading companies in Latin America - CPFL Energia, Grupo Algar, Grupo Graña y Montero, Grupo Los Grobo and Ultrapar – in reforming and improving how their firms are governed, and the results these changes have achieved.

Parts 2 and 3, examining other members' corporate governance history and improvements, will be published separately in the coming weeks.

The Latin American Companies Circle is a unique initiative launched in May 2005 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The 15-member Companies Circle brings together a group of leading Latin American companies who have adopted good corporate practices in order to provide private sector input into the work of corporate governance regional development and to share their experiences with each other and other companies in the region and beyond.