Corporate Governance for Banks in Southeast Europe: Policy Brief

Manual or Guideline

Corporate Governance for Banks in Southeast Europe: Policy Brief

April 18, 2012

The policy brief draws lessons from the financial crisis, discusses international best practice in bank governance, and develops recommendations and action plans for the different countries in the Southeast Europe region. It also aims to help apply international best practices in the Southeast Europe context.





Corporate Governance of Banks - High Level Policy Meeting for Southeast Europe, December 9-10, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Global Corporate Governance Forum and the IFC Advisory Services in ECA, organized a two-day meeting on corporate governance of banks in Southeast Europe to help improve the transparency and accountability of the sector in the region. Its objective was to help the countries in the region develop action plans and specific policy recommendation to improve the governance of banks. The meeting was attended by more than 70 banking regulators and practitioners from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia.



Further reading:

Second High Level Policy Meeting for Banks and Regulators from Southeast Europe, June 16, 2011, London, UK

The IFC Global Corporate Governance Forum and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development help banks and other financial institutions in the region improve their corporate governance practices to enhance their performance and competitiveness. EBRD hosted a high level policy meeting on corporate governance of banks in the region, where institutional experts and regional participants reviewed and endorsed a Policy Brief on Corporate Governance for Banks in Southeast Europe. The brief includes recommendations on how to improve board practices, disclosure, and risk management.
