Investing in Agriculture to Boost Climate Resilience


Investing in Agriculture to Boost Climate Resilience

November 3, 2022

An overview of IFCs approach to Agriculture and Adaptation including services offered by the MAS Advisory team. The discussion will then introduce the recently published IFC/IFAD Handbook for Scaling Irrigation Systems and focus on the way smart irrigation systems and practices can provide a pathway out of poverty for millions and increase farmers’ climate resilience, with a particular focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Event Details:

Where: Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, and Online

When: Saturday, Nov 12 14:00 - 14:45 (EET - Eastern European Time)

Meeting number: 2308 587 3851

Password: COP27-11-12-1400

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Learning Resources:

IFC/IFAD Handbook for Scaling Irrigation Systems

Adaptation is Everyone's Business