Hidden Dangers on a Patient's Plate: How to Improve Food Safety in Hospitals?


Hidden Dangers on a Patient's Plate: How to Improve Food Safety in Hospitals?

April 28, 2022

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said: “Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be food.” This was almost 3,000 years ago but it is still true today. However, in the modern world, some hospitals consider food and its safety secondary to patient care. Doing so can be costly – and even deadly. After all, there are more pressing priorities: prescriptions, treatment, and pressure to get patients out the door.

There are countless issues around food safety, as medical facilities struggle to understand the role food plays in a patient’s healing journey.

This IFC webinar covers:

  • What are the most common mistakes that hospitals make in the kitchen?
  • What are the most important principles of food safety and hygiene?
  • How are unsafe practices in the kitchen related to patient outcomes?
  • What is the role of food in a patient’s recovery?
  • How can we reduce the risk of food-associated incidents?


  • Prof. Hamzah M. Alqadiri, Professor of Food Microbiology, The University of Jordan
  • Dr. Joan Osoro-Mbui, Chief Operations Officer, MP Shah Hospital, Kenya
  • Natia Mgeladze, MD, PhD, Global Lead, Food Safety Advisory, IFC
  • Julia Khalimova, Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety Expert, IFC