Climate and Livestock Investments: How to Enhance Sustainability and Align with the Paris Agreement


Climate and Livestock Investments: How to Enhance Sustainability and Align with the Paris Agreement

November 3, 2022

The discussion will introduce the recently published the IFC Practices for Sustainable Investment in Livestock Operations and focus on the way financial institutions can and should reduce the climate impact of the livestock sector and ensure its traceability (Practices 4 and 5). We will learn how IFC and other Multilateral Development Banks are implementing these Practices with clients. We will also discuss the decarbonization challenges and opportunities as seen by IFC clients.

Event Details:

Where: Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, and Online

When: Tuesday, Nov 15 13:00 - 13:45 (EET - Eastern European Time)

Meeting number: 2308 851 2593

Password: COP27-1114-1300

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